Tip of the Day: Always remember to pillage before you burn.
Photo Contest

Come on, people, enter the photo contest! I've only gotten two entries, and they were from my employees! What's wrong with you?! Get on the ball and send your pictures to crazyviking1@yahoo.com

Rules: your photo has to be evil somehow. It can be someone looking evil, or something evil being done, or the expression on someone's face when they figure out the world isn't really nice and cozy and pink, or pretty much anything. There are some rules though- nothing inappropriate is allowed or we will block your e-mail so you can never send us stuff again and sign you up for tons of mailing lists.

Prizes: The grand prize winner will become an honorary member of Satan Inc., which means you get to be on our website and we'll send you some free business cards, and Satan and all the employees' autographs, which may fetch a lot of money from your gullible friends.
Meet the Fiends
Employee of the Month
Evil Links
Evil Quotes
Photo Contest
Request an Evil Deed